Monday, October 1, 2012

Thick. (That's "Sick" with a Headcold)

dear erik,

well, i'm sick.  not terribly sick - basically it's just a bad cold, but i'm still not too psyched about it. 

i felt it coming on on saturday night, when i suddenly had a super-scratchy throat and a headache.  woke up with it yesterday and tried to power through, but today it's just not happening.  i'm cranky about it because today was the day i was going to go to rouen to see where joan of arc was tried, the place she was executed, the church they built for her there (and, if there was time, flaubert's house :o)

i will say, however, that megan is excellent at taking care of sick people.  i chose my traveling companion wisely.  she's been making me pots of hot water with lemon, and has been going out periodically to achieve meals for us.  she's about to go out and find us some soup and some bread to make croque monsieur(s?) with.  in all honesty i can say that aside from the pressure in my head and the noseblowing/sore throat/tiredness it's shaping up to be a very nice day of hanging out in paris!

yesterday we attempted the catacombs again only to find that they've been closed indefinitely due to a 'ventilation' issue.  the girl that was standing at the entryway didn't have much information, which was funny, given that her entire job is to stand there all day and tell people they can't come in.  you would think they would give her some information about it, but i guess that's not how they roll over at the catacombs.

i would have liked to see them, but i'll catch them next time around.  as for rouen, i have a mild hope that i can go when we come back after strasbourg (we decided to come back to paris on the 6th, because it's an event called 'nuit blanche'.  they do it once a year and it sounds like basically the city stays open all night, and lots of the museums are open and free, and people come out and do art installations in the street.  it sounded like a once-in-a-lifetime thing, so we thought it was worth the return train trip.) but i'm not holding my breath.  (that i'll have the energy to go to rouen, in case you had forgotten the beginning of that sentence after the ten minute aside.)

in an additional quirk, blogspot (the website that runs this blog) has graciously decided that since i'm writing in paris, i must be french, and has therefore changed all the links on my site to french, despite the prominent "English" selection in the "what language do you want this in" section.  hopefully no major issues will arise that i need to get information about.  by the end of the trip, those people over at blogspot are gonna think i'm really good at languages...

so - yesterday when we couldn't get into the catacombs we went to montparnasse cemetery.  lots of famous writers and celebs are buried there, but we didn't feel like following a map, so mostly we just wandered around. we did see jean seberg's grave, on the joan-of-arc-theme. the place itself is very lovely (and crowded!) and we had a beautiful day, so we did get a little fix of 'parisienne death' despite the catacombs being closed.  after that we walked back towards notre dame and went to the shakespeare and co. bookstore, which is a famous little bookstore named after an older famous little bookstore. 

sent out a 'hallo' to mom in the universe and did some nice browsing. 

i think that about covers things up to this point.  i think i'm gonna sit back and contemplate how my body can continue to create mounds of phlegm, despite the fact that i blow my nose every five seconds.  it's like magic.  i'm convinced that the phlegm has devoured my brain and taken over its real estate.  there's just not enough room to store it all otherwise, and it would help explain why i can't seem to think in complete sentences...

sending love from glamorous paree.


  1. Hope you feel better soon! I myself have been under the weather lately so I can somewhat sympathize although I am not sick in Paris which is altogether on another level!! Happy to hear you are being taken care of though. Enjoy Strasbourg!

    1. thanks! just got here and it looks beautiful! however, i think i may need a nap. it's just exhausting, this life of leisure and travel... i hope you are feeling much better! sending love and healthy thoughts...

  2. I have been AWOL for a few days, visiting Antietam and Harper's Ferry with David and Karen. Really wonderful trip. Like Paris, but different.

    I have now caught up with the Paris postings. I hear two messages:

    1) An amazing place
    2) Many things on the I-have-to-come-back-and-see-more-of-this list. Are you thinking that just possibly your friends and relations might want to send their spare francs (Oops, I meant euros) to finance the return, and one of those must-have $190 tee shirts? Just wondering.

    Babs has asked me to post the following. Note that she graciously chose to overlook the snarky comment about the locks on the bridge:

    First, Mer, hope you feel better quickly...I was sick once in London, and desperate for cough medicine and the local pharmacist said when he had my problem he just had a little "nip". I think laughing at his response helped a lot , but actually the cough med was so good I used it for years! Now if you can believe it we were in Paris for Blanche Nuit several years ago (not planned, just lucky). It was sort of cool - lots going on - I think you will enjoy it. Also, glad you liked the restaurant at musee d'orsay- truly from another era. I was wondering if you have considered going to Saint Chappelle? Really beautiful stained glass windows. It's great reading your blog, see all the memories you have inspired?

    Get well soon! Oh almost forgot - just last April Dan and I put a lock with our names on a bridge - perhaps the one in your picture? Can you go back and see if you can find it??!! :o) And... the idea started in another country though has spread and is not always popular.

    Take care, a bientot.......Babs

    And a bientot from me as well (I think).

    Much love,
    Dad (and Mom in absentia)

    1. first - pops - glad you had a good time visiting the killing fields, as it were. it sounds amazing! i'm really looking forward to hearing some of the stuff that came up on the trip! as for john brown, i'm not sure what i think about his motives, but we do share a birthday, which always makes me a little nervous...

      as for paris, yup. definitely amazing. the list of come-back-and-see is a long one, but mostly exists so that i don't kill myself (or force megan into homicide) by trying to see absolutely EVERYTHING that sounds wonderful. i suspect that is a great way to not enjoy much of anything at all.

      as for the million dollar t-shirts, no worries. both megan and i gave ourselves long lectures before the trip that 1. everything was gonna cost way more than we expected and 2. we should do things that we really wanted to do and do them how we wanted to do them, and just accept that it was gonna cost a lot and that it is a very good use of our money to give ourselves a trip that we will remember forever, and where we get to experience things and places and food and people that will help shape our lives from here on out.

      all that to say, i budgeted for at least a few million-dollar t-shirts if i find something that feels really wonderful and worth it to me. just so far i haven't found it. rest assured i will give everyone fair warning the next time i happen to be wearing a plastic watch that cost me 300 euros, just so you can all be suitably dazzled and impressed.

      babs - thanks for the thought. apparently, great minds think alike. my plan was to spend the last day checking out saint chappelle, but in the end i decided to take an additional day and try to recover completely before our trip to strasbourg. i didn't quite manage the 'completely', but i feel like i'm on the upswing, which feels good!

      as for the bridge, i heard that the city actually tried to get all the locks taken off and make people stop putting them on, to no avail. Take That, stinky love-hating bureaucrats!

      sending love to pops, mom, and babs -

  3. Thorry you're thick. Thucks. Did you drink the water?

    Today is picture day at school, which your youngest niece celebrated by wearing her most glamorous Christmas dress. She looked quite fine, but was less committed to hair care.

    1. hooray for clara "fashion-plate" carter grissom! hair care is overrated.

      hope you're all having a very merry christmas. i miss you guys. i wrote y'all a postcard, but never managed to find a post office in paris. (impressive? Yes!) hopefully they have such a thing here in strasbourg...

      much love -

  4. I've heard that montparnasse cemetery is a popular place. People are dying to get in there! (Sorry, but someone HAD to say it!)

    On another note, what's that about ventilation issues in the catacombs? Since when do dead people care about ventilation???

    1. really? are you SURE somebody had to say it?

      hope life is good with you! :o)
